What is the CAS number 29420 49 3?

04 Apr.,2024



1. What is the CAS number 29420 49 3?

The CAS number 29420 49 3 refers to the unique identification number assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) to a specific chemical compound or substance.

2. Why are CAS numbers important?

CAS numbers are important because they provide a universal and standardized way to identify chemical substances. This helps prevent confusion or errors when referring to or working with different chemicals.

3. How are CAS numbers assigned?

CAS numbers are assigned systematically based on the chemical structure of the compound. The number consists of three parts: the first section is a unique identification number, the second section represents the total number of digits in the CAS number, and the third section is a checksum digit used for verification purposes.

4. How can CAS numbers be used in practice?

CAS numbers are commonly used in research, industry, and regulatory agencies to track and identify chemical substances. They are particularly useful for searching databases, managing chemical inventories, and ensuring the safe handling of hazardous materials.

5. Where can I find CAS numbers for specific chemicals?

CAS numbers can be found in various sources such as chemical product labels, safety data sheets, chemical catalogs, and online databases like the CAS Registry. It is important to verify the accuracy of the CAS number to ensure proper identification of the chemical substance.

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