AR400 Steel Mechanical Properties: Your Ultimate Guide

04 Apr.,2024


AR400 Steel Mechanical Properties: Your Ultimate Guide.

AR400 steel is a high-strength steel known for its excellent abrasion resistance properties. It is commonly used in applications where wear and impact resistance are essential, such as mining, construction, and manufacturing. Understanding the mechanical properties of AR400 steel is crucial to ensure its proper utilization in various industries. In this guide, we will explore the key mechanical properties of AR400 steel and their significance.

Tensile Strength.

Tensile strength is a measure of a material's ability to withstand tension or pulling forces without breaking. AR400 steel has a typical tensile strength of 125,000 psi, making it incredibly strong and durable. This high tensile strength enables AR400 steel to resist bending, cracking, and deformation under heavy loads, making it ideal for applications that require structural integrity and impact resistance.

Yield Strength.

Yield strength is the amount of stress a material can withstand before it begins to deform permanently. AR400 steel has a minimum yield strength of 110,000 psi, indicating its ability to withstand significant deformation without experiencing failure. This high yield strength ensures that AR400 steel maintains its shape and integrity even under extreme conditions, such as heavy impact or constant wear.


Hardness is a critical mechanical property of AR400 steel, as it directly impacts the material's abrasion resistance. AR400 steel has a Brinell hardness range of 360-440, making it exceptionally hard and resistant to wear from abrasion, cutting, and impact. This high hardness level allows AR400 steel to withstand harsh operating conditions without experiencing significant wear, extending its service life and reducing maintenance costs.


Ductility measures a material's ability to deform under tensile stress without breaking. While AR400 steel is renowned for its high strength and hardness, it also exhibits moderate ductility, allowing it to absorb impact energy without fracturing. This unique combination of strength, hardness, and ductility makes AR400 steel an excellent choice for applications that require both toughness and durability.

Impact Resistance.

AR400 steel is known for its exceptional impact resistance, thanks to its high tensile strength and hardness. Its ability to withstand heavy impact without deforming or breaking makes it suitable for demanding applications where impact forces are a concern. Whether it's in equipment components, structural parts, or wear plates, AR400 steel offers superior impact resistance to ensure reliable performance and long-lasting durability.


In conclusion, understanding the mechanical properties of AR400 steel is essential for maximizing its performance and longevity in various applications. With its impressive tensile strength, yield strength, hardness, ductility, and impact resistance, AR400 steel stands out as a top choice for industries that demand high-strength, wear-resistant materials. By leveraging the unique mechanical properties of AR400 steel, businesses can enhance the durability, reliability, and efficiency of their products and equipment.

Contact Us.

If you have any questions about AR400 steel or need assistance with your steel requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts is ready to help you find the right solutions for your specific needs.

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