Tennis Bag Size: Whats YOUR preffered size? (And whats in your bag)

22 Jan.,2024


Wilson Tour V 15 pack.

4 - Blade 104's (2 at preferred tension, 1 two lbs tighter, 1 two lbs looser)
2 - water bottles (24 oz Hydro Flasks)
1 - towel
1 - mesh bag containing about 20 sweat bands (various colors)
4 - cans of balls (2 Penn Marathon, 2 Tretorn pressureless for practice)
2 - pair of sunglasses
1 - pair of tennis gloves for cold weather
6 - hats
10 - replacement over grips (give or take a few)
2 - packs of Volkyl Psycho hybrid string (emergency use only, not string of choice)
1 - first aid kit
12 - small dome cones (for practice targets etc)
3 - jumpers knee straps
1 - Band It strap (had a touch of TE before I switched to the Blades)
1 - Swiss Army knife
1 - zip lock bag with extra dampeners, shoe laces, etc
1 - Odor Gladiator in the center compartment
Plenty of room for a change of clothes, jacket, shoes, etc.
Plenty of pockets for phone, wallet, keys, etc.

Some say it is over kill for my level of tennis, but I have used almost everything in the bag at least once in the past six months (first aid kit thankfully does not get a lot of use, mostly for band aids when someone else cuts their finger on a ball can) and most items get almost weekly if not nightly use. I went with a six pack bag for a while with a separate small duffel, but preferred the single larger back pack bag.


For more information Tennis Bag, custom pickleball bag, snowboard bag with wheels, please get in touch with us!