What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of Electric Bike Under 200

13 Apr.,2024


In recent years, electric bikes (ebikes) have surged in popularity, offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional bicycles and gasoline-powered vehicles. Beyond their positive impact on the environment, ebikes also present a compelling case for cost savings. This article explores the financial advantages of owning an electric bike, shedding light on how these two-wheeled wonders can not only reduce your carbon footprint but also trim down your expenses.

1. Initial Investment:

While the initial cost of purchasing an ebike may seem higher than that of a traditional bicycle, it's crucial to consider the long-term savings. Ebikes come in a variety of price ranges, but even mid-range models often offer significant performance benefits. In comparison to the upfront expenses associated with car ownership, including down payments, insurance, and registration fees, an electric bike proves to be a much more economical choice.

2. Fuel Savings:

One of the most evident cost advantages of ebikes lies in their minimal operating expenses. Unlike conventional vehicles that rely on expensive gasoline or diesel, ebikes are powered by electricity, which is generally more affordable. Charging an electric bike battery cost only a fraction of what it takes to fill up a gas tank, resulting in substantial savings over time. It typically costs $0.40 - $0.60 in electrical costs per full battery charge. A spare or new battery costs ranges from $200 - $500 and is not usually needed each year.

3. Maintenance Costs:

The maintenance requirements for electric bikes are significantly lower than those for traditional bicycles and especially conventional vehicles. Ebikes have fewer moving parts, reducing the likelihood of mechanical failures. Regular maintenance typically involves checking the brakes, tires, and ensuring the battery is in good condition. As a result, the overall maintenance costs for ebikes are substantially lower than those associated with cars or motorcycles. The average bike tune-up costs $150.

4. Insurance and Registration:

One of the overlooked benefits of ebikes is the absence of insurance and registration costs. Unlike motor vehicles that require insurance coverage and regular registration renewals, electric bikes generally don't have these ongoing expenses. This represents a considerable financial relief for ebike owners, contributing to the overall cost-effectiveness of this mode of transportation.

5. Commuting and Parking:

Ebikes offer a convenient solution for commuting, particularly in urban areas where traffic congestion and parking fees are major concerns. Ebike riders can bypass traffic jams, reducing the time spent commuting and the associated stress. Plus, there are folding ebikes which allow you to take them with you once you arrive at your destination. Moreover, many cities offer free or discounted parking for bicycles, including electric bikes, further contributing to the cost savings for their owners.

According to AAA, the average yearly cost to own and maintain a car is $8,558. This is an average, blended cost dating back to 2016, so the final number is most likely higher. They factored in depreciation, insurance, maintenance, license/registration/taxes, loan financing and tires. This doesn’t account for gas which, on average ($3/gallon x 15 gallons x 52 weeks), could add $2,340, annual to the cost. This puts yearly car maintenance over $10,000 per year.

Owning an electric bike is not just about reducing your environmental impact; it's also a smart financial choice. The initial investment pays off over time through fuel savings, lower maintenance costs, and the absence of insurance and registration expenses. Additionally, the health benefits and convenience of e-bike commuting contribute to an overall more cost-effective and sustainable lifestyle. As we embrace the future of transportation, ebikes stand out as a compelling option for those looking to save money while making a positive impact on the planet.

What are E-bikes?

As one of the fastest growing segments in the bicycle industry, many people are curious to know, what exactly is an electric bike? It is not an electric scooter or even a motorcycle, but it is actually a regular bike that has some electrical modifications. An electric bike adds a motor, a battery, and a controller that enhances the biking experience.

How Electric Bikes Work

Some worry that adding the electrical component to the bike takes away from the human body power that is exerted during a biking session. However, numerous studies show that e-bikers are still getting an exercise. Additionally, many claim that electric bikes actually enhance human power when biking. E-bikes do not completely replace the human power needed to move the bike forward, but they help make hills and other obstacles easier. Additionally, they help the rider go further without getting as tired.

  • Advantages of the Electrical Bicycle - Sustainability For All explains some of the advantages and disadvantages of using e-bikes, and they include a description of how e-bikes work.

Three Main Components

E-bikes include a battery, motor, and drivetrain to help the rider as they navigate through challenging terrain. The battery on the electric bike has a range of about 25 to 70 miles per charge. The miles per charge is dependent on how the rider uses the battery. The first option is human power only. The battery can be turned off, so the rider is using their own human power only. The second option is a simple pedal assist. This is when the motor is activated when the pedals are moving. This means the rider is still getting quite the workout, but they have a little bit of a boost. The third option is electric only. With this option, the bike works without help from the rider.

The motor on an electric bike can be found in three different positions including the front wheel, the back wheel and the mid-drive. Naturally, each motor placement provides a different feeling for the rider. The front wheel will provide the feeling of being pulled by the bike; the back wheel will give the feeling of being pushed, and the mid-drive is a more natural riding sensation than either of the wheels.

The drivetrain includes pedals, cranks, chain rings, chain, cogs and derailleur. On an e-bike, these components get power from a mid-drive motor, which makes the chain cranking easier. Most allow the rider to shift gears to adjust the difficulty of pedaling.

  • The 3 Critical Components: Motor, Controller, and Battery- This article reviews the main components needed for an electric bike, including some tips on how to build one yourself.
  • How Does an Electric Bike Work?- Peter Hunt, an e-bike expert explains how these bikes work and gives some tips on how to maintain the bike.

Charging Your Bike

Of course, since it is electric, the bike does need to be recharged once the battery is drained. Depending on your battery, this may take anywhere from two hours to six hours. Much of how quickly your battery is drained and then recharges is dependent on what kind of battery the bike uses. Higher quality batteries are going to charge faster and last longer on the road and in lifespan, while lower quality batteries are going to drain faster, need to be replaced sooner, and typically take longer to charge.

  • How to Charge Your Devices the Right Way- This article discusses the science behind lithium-ion batteries and the best way to get the most life out of your battery.
  • Electric Bike Battery Care: Maintaining Battery Life- Electric bike batteries, like any other battery, needs to be taken care of to give them a long lifespan. This article discusses some of the best ways to make an e-bike battery last.

Environmental Impact of Electric Bicycles

With talk of global warming and climate change on the rise, it's no secret people are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. To do so, people need to use less of our non-renewable resources such as gas. One option is to switch from driving cars to riding an e-bike.

  • The Case for Electric Bicycles- This article gives an overview of e-bikes and discusses how "green" they are.
  • Hey Mr. Green! Are Electric and Pedal-Assist Bikes Sustainable?- Mr. Green discusses how sustainable electric bikes can be.

Zero Emissions

Because e-bikes run on batteries, they are considered zero-emission vehicles. They do not have carbon or other harmful emissions. In fact, an e-bike reduces a person's emissions from transportation by 0.21 metric tons each year.

Preventing Air Pollution

Air pollution is a serious problem that we have worldwide, resulting in several different health issues. The World Health Organization (WHO) has linked air pollution to higher rates of cancer, heart disease, strike, asthma, and other respiratory diseases. Not only that, but the American Lung Association estimates that about 40 percent of the population is at risk for these diseases and premature death because of air pollution. Because air pollution is created by the burning of fossil fuels, e-bikes are a great option for reducing and preventing air pollution.

Long-Lasting Batteries

E-bike batteries might be great for reducing waste, but that does not mean they are 100% environmentally friendly. Like all batteries, e-bike batteries don't last forever, and need to be replaced eventually. These batteries need to be disposed of properly or they could end up in landfills. Alternatively, they can be recycled, reducing their waste even more. In addition to disposing of the battery, charging it can be potentially bad for the environment. There are ways to reduce the carbon-footprint created from charging, but even with consuming electricity, an e-bike consumes the electricity equivalent of only about 1,000 miles per gallon of gasoline.

Off-Peak Charging

Using electricity to charge an e-bike isn't the best for the environment, but many people don't have another option. One can make the best of this electricity use by charging the e-bike during off-peak hours. The off-peak hours are typically overnight and on the weekends, but can vary by season and city. Charging during off-peak hours means that the bike is pulling possible excess power, and helps prevent the power grid from getting overloaded. Typically, electric companies charge less to the customer during off-peak hours, so the individual benefits as well.

Sustainable Energy

Off-peak hours are great for reducing the waste of e-bikes, but there are even better options. Sustainable energy, such as sun and wind power, is a great alternative to regular electricity. To make the e-bike completely environmentally friendly, an individual can charge the bike with solar or wind energy.

Saving Roadways

Not only does an e-bike reduce waste, but it also helps keep the roadways looking good. Because they are lighter, they cause less damage to roadways. Additionally, they are smaller and can fit on sidewalks and bike paths when allowed. Road damage is not only a pain, but it is also environmentally taxing. The heavy machinery needed to fix the road emits large amounts of CO2 and other harmful gases into the environment.

Eco-Friendly Travel

An e-bike can be incredibly efficient, getting the equivalent of up to 1,340 miles per gallon. They are also easier to maneuver than a car and mean the rider is not stuck to a transportation schedule like they might be with a bus or train. It allows more freedom with the open road (or trail or sidewalk), and they are also quieter than other forms of transportation.

A Green Way to Have Fun

E-bikes are not only a great way to reduce the carbon footprint, but they are great for off-roading and exploring areas in nature that are not typically accessible by car or public transportation. There are regulations about where an individual can ride an e-bike, so it is always best to check before taking an e-bike out and about.

What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of Electric Bike Under 200

All About Electric Bikes