Electric Blanket Safety: Top Tips for Choosing and Using Electric Blankets

16 Jan.,2024


electric blanket Safety: Top Tips for Choosing and Using Electric Blankets

- NEC Coop

Electric blankets are designed to provide warmth and comfort during colder months. They are typically made from a synthetic fabric and contain a network of thin, insulated wires that heat up when plugged into an electrical outlet. To ensure electric blanket safety, the wires are evenly distributed throughout the blanket for even heating. Some models come with a thermostat or a remote control that allows users to adjust the temperature to their liking.

During a chilly night, any extra warmth is welcome, and feeling cozy in bed is essential for a restful sleep. An electric blanket can be a great solution to keep you comfortable as you settle into bed. Not only do they add an extra layer of warmth, but some people also find relief from medical conditions such as arthritis and menstrual pain with the heat they provide. Plus, the additional warmth it offers might even help you cut down on heating expenses.

Keep reading to learn how electric blankets work, what costs are associated with them, and if there are any safety concerns to be aware of.

How Much Do Heated Blankets Cost?

Heated blankets come in a range of prices to suit nearly any budget. Smaller models can be found for under $20 at some retailers, while more luxurious options can cost $300 or more. The price will depend on factors such as the size, material, and features of the blanket.

How Much Electricity Does an Electric Blanket Use?

Electric blankets are among the least expensive home appliances to operate. Many models consume around 200 watts of electricity, which equates to an operating cost of about two cents per hour in many places. To calculate the cost per hour of using a specific blanket, divide the blanket’s wattage by 1000 and multiply the result by your current kWh rate for electricity.

Calculating the electricity usage of an electric blanket isn’t straightforward. It depends on the heat settings and how much you use it. Typically, electric blankets consume around 100 watts or less, even on high settings. For double-sided blankets, this usage might be double. This usage translates to a minimal cost, usually just a few cents per night, offering an economical option compared to increasing your thermostat setting.

Additionally, low-voltage blankets consume even less electricity, though they often cost more initially and may not provide as much warmth as standard models.

How to Use an Electric Blanket Safely

When using an electric blanket, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure safety. Here are some tips for using your electric blanket safely:

  • Inspect the blanket regularly for any signs of wear or damage to the wires or fabric. If you notice any exposed wires or other defects, stop using the blanket immediately and contact the manufacturer.
  • Look for a model with an automatic shutoff so you don’t accidentally leave it running all night and day.
  • Use electric blankets as the topmost layer of your bed, and lay them flat to prevent hotspots caused by folding or bunching.
  • Electric blankets should be avoided with young children and people with cognitive disabilities who might not be able to remove or shut off the blanket in the event it gets too hot.
  • People with diabetes are advised to avoid electric blankets due to reduced skin sensitivity, which increases the risk of burns.
  • Don’t use electric blankets with pets. They don’t need them and could chew on the wires and create a hazard.
  • Make sure you unplug the blanket every morning when you aren’t using it.
  • Do not use the blanket if it is wet or damp, as this can increase the risk of electric shock.
  • Do not fold or crease the blanket while it is turned on, as this can damage the wires.
  • Do not use the blanket on infants, small children, or anyone who is unable to operate the controls.
  • Do not use an electric blanket with a pacemaker, as the electromagnetic field generated by the blanket may interfere with the device.

By following these electric blanket safety tips and using your electric blanket responsibly, you can enjoy the warmth and comfort it provides while minimizing the risks. Stay warm and safe!



“Electric Blankets, Are They Worth Your Money?” Electric Rate, https://www.electricrate.com/electric-blanket/
“How much does it cost to run an electric blanket?” Homes and Gardens, https://www.homesandgardens.com/interior-design/bedrooms/how-much-does-it-cost-to-run-an-electric-blanket
“Are Electric Blankets Safe? How to Use Them Properly,” Sleep Advisor, https://www.sleepadvisor.org/are-electric-blankets-safe/
“Are electric blankets safe?” State Farm, https://www.statefarm.com/simple-insights/residence/are-electric-blankets-safe

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