Using Cosmetic Jars for Your Product

01 Sep.,2023


Choosing the right type of packaging for your cosmetic products can be a time-consuming task. We’re here to shine a spotlight on the potential of jars to transform your brand. Whether you choose plastic, aluminium, or glass, jars make a highly effective and versatile solution.

Fillcon specialises in manufacturing and filling sachets for some of the UK’s biggest brands. We also fill tubes, bottles, pouches, jars – you name it! Always on the lookout for the latest environmentally friendly packaging innovation, we are your ultimate answer to cosmetic contract filling.

In this blog, we explain everything you need to know about using jars for your cosmetic products.

Types of Cosmetic Jars

Cosmetic jars are available in various different materials. The right choice for your product will depend upon your budget, product stability, and brand look and feel.


Plastic is a cost-effective option and is used by a wide range of cosmetic brands. Robust but also lightweight, plastic makes a great choice for everyday products like body scrubs and moisturisers. Making sure the jar is both recyclable and made of recycled or plant plastic can help boost your product’s environmental profile. Plastic also provides plenty of design potential and options for colour choice.

Read next: Everything You Need to Know About Recyclable Packaging


Like plastic, aluminium is lightweight, economical, and robust. Whilst there is less design flexibility, aluminium jars can be personalised with stick on labels and designs, allowing you to still showcase your branding. Aluminium is often used by eco-conscious brands for their cosmetic packaging because the material can be infinitely recycled


Glass is heavier than aluminium and plastic, but lends a unique, premium aesthetic. Glass is becoming increasing popular for cosmetic packaging because, like aluminium, it is infinitely recyclable without degrading material quality. It is also an effective way for luxury brands to differentiate themselves from the plethora of plastic on the shelves.

Applications for Cosmetic Jars

Jars can be used for a range of cosmetic products, but are best suited to those too viscous to be poured through a bottle’s neck or dispensed using a pump. This can include everything from body scrubs to lotions to moisturisers to cleansers. These types of cosmetics are generally thicker in consistency and therefore best applied by the user with their fingers.

Benefits of Using Cosmetic Jars


Though jars can present some complications for brands in terms of air exposure when the lid is removed, jars typically have thicker walls than other options. This means they can provide greater protection from UV light and promote better product stability.


Jars of any material are commonly used in the cosmetic industry because they are suitable for a variety of applications. Whilst, as discussed, jars are typically used for thicker products that don’t pump well, they can house many different viscosities, allowing brands to create a unified packaging style across their full range. They are also available in many different shapes and sizes.


Since users dispense the product using their fingers, they are totally in control of how much they remove each time. This will prevent wastage and provide a positive customer experience. Not only that, but the large opening will allow them to use up every last bit of the product, making it feel like good value.


Jars are a great choice for eco-conscious cosmetic businesses, providing an easy way to boost the environmental credentials of your products. Whether you choose recycled plastic, plant plastic, glass, or aluminium, jars allow you to get rid of the plastic pump, dramatically reducing the amount of plastic used.

Tips for Using Jars as Product Packaging

Consider Exposure to Air

When someone uses your product, they will unscrew the lid and dispense it using their fingers. This will inevitably expose the product to higher levels of air and bacteria than bottles, tubes, or sachets. To overcome this challenge, you may want to consider additional preservatives or adjusting the pH of your product to make it inhospitable to bacterial growth. To preserve active ingredients like vitamin C or retinol even when exposed to air, you could try encapsulation. This is when ingredients are coated in an indetectable shell to safeguard their long-term potency within the formula or deliver them to a deeper layer of skin.

Think Through Opacity

Many cosmetic products are UV sensitive and will degrade or become unstable when exposed to natural light. As a result, it’s important to think through how opaque the walls of your jar need to be to provide the right level of protection. If you want to use glass but have a product that is sensitive to light, there are options available. Blue or amber tinted jars are popular ways to overcome these issues, whilst still enabling you to leverage the luxury feel of glass packaging.

Related: 9 Luxury Packaging Ideas to WOW Customers

Understand Material Requirements

What do you actually need from your packaging? If you’re an e-commerce brand, for example, you may need a more robust material than a cosmetic brand selling only in physical stores. In this instance, plastic and aluminium jars will help you reduce the risk of the product shattering in transit, and cut shipping costs too! Bricks-and-mortar brands may need to place a huge emphasis on bold, eye-catching packaging design to stand out on the shelves. E-commerce brands, alternatively, can afford to go for a more minimalist, simplified style.

Learn more: Packaging Tips and Advice for International Delivery >

High Quality Cosmetic Jar Filling Solutions

If you’re considering using jars for your cosmetic products, we’re here to provide your filling solution. From tiny sample-sizes to jumbo jars, we can fill a range of different receptacles with the product of your choosing.

Contact our team to get started!

See more: Best E-Commerce Packaging for Beauty and Cosmetics Brands

See more: Tips for Choosing the Right Packaging for Small Businesses

For more information black glass cosmetic jars, please get in touch with us!