The importance of using the right towel for your face.

23 Sep.,2023


Wiping your face with a body towel may seem harmless at first glance, but this gesture should be banned from your beauty routine. One of the first reasons is hygiene. Indeed, bacteria, fungi, mold, yeast, dead cells, etc... can get lodged in the fibers. So, if you use the same towel as for the body on your face, you risk transferring these microorganisms to your facial skin. The second reason is that the residues of cosmetic products (shower gel, deodorant, etc...), accumulated after several uses, inevitably end up on your face as well. Now, if these components end up on your face, they can cause skin rashes, clog pores and cause irritation. Furthermore, the cotton terry cloth material, which is preferred for bath towels, can damage the delicate facial area and cause skin reactions (redness, irritation and dryness, etc.). For all these reasons, it is advisable to have a face towel only for this area.

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