How to Replace the Molecular Sieve of the Oxygen Generator?

10 Jan.,2023


Molecular Sieve

For the oxygen generator, the molecular sieve is the most important component, which mainly plays the role of air separation, so the performance of the molecular sieve directly determines the oxygen concentration and stability of the oxygen generator.

The lifespan of molecular sieve has a lot to do with our daily use because temperature, humidity, and dust in the air will poison molecular sieve and reduce the adsorption capacity. Therefore, we should pay attention to the clean indoor environment when we use it every week. Clean the primary filter and replace the secondary filter in about 1000 hours to avoid dust in the molecular sieve. For the same reason, do not use the oxygen concentrator in an overly humid environment. For example, the bathroom and toilet are too humid to use an oxygen concentrator.

The life span of the molecular sieve itself is also different. For example, the life span of a general domestic molecular sieve is 12,000 hours, the life span of an ordinary imported molecular sieve is 18,000 hours, and the life span of an imported molecular sieve used in an Invicom oxygen generator can reach more than 30,000 hours. Therefore, under normal conditions of use, if you inhale oxygen for 6 hours a day, the general domestic oxygen generator can be used for five or six years, and the Indicom oxygen generator can be used for more than ten years.

If the molecular sieve fails for a long time, is it possible to replace the molecular sieve, but if the use time is long enough until the molecular sieve fails, then the performance of the other components of the oxygen generator has basically reached the service life, so simply replacing the molecular sieve cannot be effectively extended The use time of the oxygen generator, combined with the purchase price of most oxygen generators on the market, generally costs a molecular sieve? After you have used the oxygen concentrator for a long time, the use-value has been satisfied, so it is not recommended to replace the molecular sieve, except for the damage during the warranty period.

Replacement Method for Molecular Sieve of Oxygen Generator

The molecular sieve of the household oxygen concentrator is inside the machine and requires professional help to replace it. In normal household use, molecular sieves are not easily damaged, because molecular sieves have a fixed lifespan. In the process of normal use, the molecular sieve is not easy to be damaged, unless it is not required for operation, for example, a large amount of dust or water vapor enters the air inlet of the oxygen generator, which poisons the molecular sieve and thus deactivates.

If the molecular sieve is damaged during the warranty period, you can contact the manufacturer to replace it for you free of charge. If the warranty period has passed, it is not recommended to replace the molecular sieve. Because as the main component of a household oxygen concentrator, the price of molecular sieve accounts for 30%-50% of the price of the entire oxygen concentrator

The above is the relevant information about the replacement of the molecular sieve of the oxygen generator.

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