Fiber Optic Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems

09 Oct.,2023


How Fibre Optic Intrusion Detection Works

Fibre optic sensors work by transmitting light through the glass core of a cable, travelling by reflecting off the casing. This information is then turned from light into electrical signals at the end by processors.

When the cable is disturbed, and the signal changes, this can trigger an alarm, or use computer logic to ensure it is not a false alarm first (such as birds landing on a fence). The alarm signal triggers responses based on your automated and protocol security measures. For example, security teams could be alerted to intrusion attempts, along with lights being activated in the area.

The cables of fibre optic intrusion detection systems have a relatively discreet appearance when in the open, and can be hidden within fences, or installed underground, which gives them unique strengths as part of any serious security solution. Intruders may notice blind spots in camera pathing and guard patrols, but these cables continually monitor the set areas, ensuring intruders are detected, even if they are not seen.

Introducing Optex Fibre SenSys

Fibre Optic Intrusion Detection Systems for Perimeters and Beyond

Fibre optic intrusion detection systems can be installed in different ways to detect many types of intrusion. They are designed to work seamlessly on their own or as part of a multi-layer security system.

Defending your perimeter

Fibre optic perimeter intrusion detection systems can be deployed on welded mesh, chain link, palisade, anti-climb, and other fence types. They can also be deployed on all kinds of walls, as well as grates protecting pipes. They can be installed on, and in some cases inside, these barriers. Fibre SenSys EchoPoint can be used in these situations, but also underground, to detect intruders and their location accurately as they move on the ground above the cable.

Defending communications

Another installation option is as protected distributed systems (PDS), previously known as “approved circuits”. PDS are deployed to protect communications lines from natural, accidental, or intentional interference. They can detect physical access to these lines, to deter or alert of security breaches in this critical infrastructure.

Sensing cable breaks

The other installation option is to use fibre optics to sense cable breaks. This is often used for cables connected to valuable technology like solar panels, or cables depended on for practical and/or security purposes, such as powerlines. The energy industry is increasingly targeted by thieves, saboteurs and other intruders, so demand for countermeasures in this area is increasing rapidly.

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Benefits of Fibre Optic Intruder Sensing Solutions

Fibre optic intruder detection systems are among the most advanced security systems on the market. Each type of system has it's own unique strengths, along with the many general benefits of the technology. The main benefits are:

Advanced detection capabilities

Fibre optic perimeter intrusion detection systems have many benefits that stem from their highly sensitive intrusion detection capabilities. The sensitivity of fibre optic sensors means intruders will be detected even if they try to climb a fence slowly and quietly to avoid detection. However, detection capabilities are best evaluated in comparison to other types of detection, such as LiDAR security systems. The main strength of fibre optic detection is that because it is a light, rather than an electronic-based system, it cannot be affected by natural or intentional electromagnetic interference. This lowers false alarms and keeps your security tight when you need it most.

Because attempts to cut, bend, or open the cables will trigger an alarm, they are highly resilient against even the most thorough intruders. Plus, they can be deployed over large areas, for monitoring intrusion over longer distances, making them a go-to choice for protecting pipelines and larger perimeters. When used as PDS, their ability to detect naturally occurring damage, as well as intentional, makes them a vital part of any critical communications infrastructure. For example, they can signal an early warning if an underground or underwater communications line has caved in, allowing maintenance to be carried out faster.

Extreme durability and weatherproofing

These systems are built to be highly durable and resilient for decades of use in practical security applications. Sections are also able to be repaired or replaced easily, such as if intruders cut cables. We offer a redundant processing option with our processors, which gives you fallback processors that activate if the first one fails or is destroyed. Redundant processing means that even if intruders manage to enter the top-security area where your security processors are kept, and destroy the electronics there, the system can switch to a backup elsewhere and continue running.

The standard cable jacketing we deploy in all our fibre optic intrusion detection systems is highly weatherproof. On average, they are designed to maintain reliable detection while mounted outside for over 20 years. However, we also offer more robust solutions for extreme weather conditions, so you can detect intruders in any circumstance. Utilising enclosures, or embedding the system in a fence, wall or underground adds to the level of durability.

Application of Fibre Optic Intrusion Sensor Cables

Fibre optic sensors can be easily adapted for use in many sites. One of the most popular uses, outside of public sector contracts, is as part of business security systems. Fibre optics can help secure data centres, and communications infrastructure for software or communications companies and defend the perimeter of any business. They are also highly demanded as part of logistics and warehouse security systems, where these systems can detect approaching intruders, trigger early warning and dispatch security before the situation escalates or assets are lost.

Popular Series of Fibre Optic Perimeter Detection Sensors

We manufacture a large variety of fibre optic intrusion detection systems, and each series has its own unique strengths. You can select one of these products in the product selector below to find out more information and make an enquiry about a specific system. The two most popular series available are our innovative new EchoPoint point detection series and market-leading fence-mounted Fiber Defender series.

EchoPoint is the most advanced fibre optic perimeter security system on the market. Beyond the general benefits of fibre optic systems outlined earlier, its key strengths are versatility, long-distance detection, and accuracy. The versatility of EchoPoint comes from its ability to be installed on or in fences, walls, and grates, but also underground. Each EchoPoint has a range of up to 100km, which in some cases is enough to cover entire perimeters with a single system. This makes it the most cost-effective solution on the market. EchoPoint is also accurate to plus or minus 6 metres from the point of disturbance. The accuracy of detection over such a large detection range makes it a vital part of security infrastructure in any industry. Find out more about EchoPoint here.

Fiber Defender is built to be fence-mounted, so is less versatile than EchoPoint. It is best used in cases where you want to detect and locate intrusion on a section of fence, for example as a second line of detection beyond an underground EchoPoint system that guards the entire perimeter. Find out more about Fiber Defender by selecting a product below.

The letters in product codes detail the series the product is in. EP means the EchoPoint series, while FD means the Fiber Defender series.

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