How to Find the Best Temporary Fencing Solutions

17 Nov.,2023


How To

How to Find the Best Temporary Fencing Solutions

From construction projects and outdoor events to security needs and crowd control, it’s essential to pinpoint the right temporary fencing solutions. Different types of fencing are best-suited for different situations, making it important to carefully consider your needs before renting temporary fencing.

To help ensure that you choose a temporary fencing solution that ticks all your boxes, we’ll explore the key factors to consider when searching for the best option.

Step 1: Identify Your Temp Fencing Needs

Before beginning your search for temporary fences, take the time to identify specific needs and requirements. Here are a few reasons why site managers and event planners seek out temporary fencing solutions:

In addition to the above, it’s also important to consider other things like rental duration, length of fencing, location, potential weather conditions, and more. If you’re having trouble answering all these questions yourself, a temporary fencing specialist can offer insight. Overall, understanding your needs will help you choose the right type of fencing that suits your project or event.

Step 2: Know the Types of Temporary Fencing Solutions

There are various types of temporary fencing available, each designed for specific purposes. Here are some common types:

Chain Link Fencing: Made of steel wire and able to withstand inclement weather, chain link fencing is one of the most popular temporary fencing solutions. Use it to secure construction sites, direct foot traffic at outdoor events, and everything in between.

Panel Fencing: These above-ground panels are easy to install and ideal for temporary barriers, construction sites, and security needs. They’re typically available in various sizes and heights, including 10-foot or 12-foot lengths and 6-foot or 8-foot heights.

Barricade Fences: Specifically designed for managing crowds at events, concerts, and festivals, barricade fencing panels are typically 3.5 feet tall by 7 feet wide with flat stands that keep them solidly in place without creating tripping hazards. 

Plastic Mesh Safety Fencing: Also called orange fencing, plastic mesh safety fencing is made of a durable mesh plastic that comes in large rolls. Roll out the desired length and attach the fencing to stakes to keep it in place.

Traffic Control Fences: Traffic control fencing helps prevent roadway accidents that could be caused by obstacles such as fallen trees, sinkholes, road damage, and other hazards.

Privacy Screening: A fencing add-on that provides more privacy and wind protection for construction sites or outdoor events.

Step 3: Consider Safety and Compliance

Safety should be a top priority when choosing temporary fencing solutions. Ensure that your selection complies with temporary fence safety regulations and standards in your area. Additionally, consider factors such as stability, wind resistance, and the potential for climbing. Some fencing options come with added features like stabilizers and anti-climb measures.

Step 4: Define Your Budget

To ensure that your budget is realistic, you may want to use a tool that helps you estimate how much fencing you’ll need on your site. Determining the approximate square footage and identifying any necessary add-ons (e.g. drive posts, sand bags, barbed wire, windscreen, etc.) can give you a better sense of what costs may be.

Keep in mind that longer-term rentals may allow for a lower monthly cost. While it’s important to consider cost, don’t compromise on quality and safety for the sake of saving money.

Step 5: Find a Reputable Temporary Fencing Company

Congrats! You completed this step by visiting ZTERS. We have years of experience crafting the perfect temporary fencing solutions for our customers. When you choose ZTERS, you can be certain that you’re receiving quality products, excellent customer service, and transparent pricing. 

Whether it’s for construction, events, or security, the right temporary fencing rental will help you maintain safety and control while achieving your goals. With one call, you can bundle all your services in one simple invoice. We’re here to help make your job easier.

For more information crowd control fence panels, please get in touch with us!