How do we use where?

27 Nov.,2023


Where and wherein may look and sound similar, but in reality they have different meanings. In fact, wherein can be another way of saying in which.

But how do you know when to use each?

Here, we’ll go over the definitions of where, in which, and wherein, explain the differences between the three, and let you know when you should use one over the others. We’ll also provide examples of how to use all three.

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Definitions of where vs. in which vs. wherein

Where: Where can be an adverb or a conjunction. It’s used as an adverb to modify an adjective, verb, or another adverb. As a conjunction, where can be used in a sentence to mean in a place or in situations. Conjunctions are words that connect other words, clauses, or phrases together to create a compound or complex sentence. You can also use it as a conjunction to connect two sentences or clauses, for example:

She lives in a neighborhood where everyone puts up holiday decorations.

He only purchases avocados from Mexico, where they grow year-round.

In which: In which is a combination of the preposition in and the relative pronoun which. When they’re used together, they form a relative pronoun to refer to a subject’s place or time. In which can also be used as an interrogative pronoun to take the place of the word where.

We went to the house on the top of the hill, in which we made many childhood memories.

In which hotel are they staying?

Wherein: Wherein can be an adverb or conjunction. As an adverb, it essentially means in what way or how. As a conjunction, its definition is in which.

Wherein was I wrong for putting pineapples on my pizza?

Please refer to Exhibit C, wherein the terms of the contract are enumerated.

When to use where vs. in which vs. wherein?


Use where when you’re trying to indicate the location or position of a subject. Where can also be used as an interrogative adverb when you’re trying to ask someone where a subject is located.

If you’re using it as an interrogative adverb, make sure the sentence’s verb comes before the subject.

We went back to the restaurant where we had our first date.

Where is the nearest gas station?

Where can also be used to refer to the status of a situation or circumstance.

Where do you see this relationship going?

He took a plane to Morocco, where he met his cousin for the first time.

There may be times when you see or hear someone use where in place of when, but that should be avoided in your writing. In the previous sentence, for example, one might have said, “There may be times where . . .” but since we’re talking about time and not a location, we use when.

In which

The relative pronoun in which is used when you want to connect a relative (or dependent) clause to an independent clause, and it’s usually placed after a subject. As a reminder, relative clauses are sometimes called adjectival clauses since they describe a subject.

Sherlock had come to a halt in his investigation, in which he was trying to figure out who had stolen the king’s crown.

Some writers use where and in which interchangeably, and while doing so might be grammatically correct, you should use where when referring to a place because it’s what’s known as a locative—a word that indicates a location. In which might be a better choice, however, when writing for a more formal audience.

The only time you might use in which instead of where is if you need to specify the location of a certain object. For example:

This is the cabinet where I keep all of my trinkets.

It’s unclear from this sentence whether the trinkets in question are on the cabinet or inside of it. We can clarify that by replacing where with in which.

This is the cabinet in which I keep all my trinkets.

The above sentence makes clear that the trinkets are stored inside the cabinet and not on top of it.


Although the word wherein can be used in place of where or in what way, it’s best to avoid it because it’s old-fashioned, and no longer used in everyday English. It was popular during Shakespeare’s time and still occurs in modern-day legal documents, but you’ll rarely hear someone use it in a conversation or in their writing.

Where vs. in which vs. wherein examples

This is the house where I grew up.

Jack dreamed of returning to England, where he had once studied.

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Paul put a lot of thought into his book, in which he had written about his walk across the Andes.

In which house do the McCallisters live?

After talking to my sister, I realized wherein I was wrong.

Atlanta was the city wherein John spent most of his formative years.

Difference between Where and Were | Where vs Were

Have you made any mistakes while using the words ‘where’ and ‘were’? Do not worry – it’s not only you but many people new to the English language have faced confusion while using these terms. So if you are asked how the words ‘where’ and ‘were’ are different from one another, what would be your response?

This article is here to help with the right answers. It will help you understand the difference between two these words and make sure that you don’t make any mistakes while using them.

Just like ‘where’ and ‘were’, there are many such words in the English Language that students get easily confused with. The reason is that such words sound pretty similar with little difference in their spellings. But while using such words, students should be extra cautious and understand their meanings. Once the meaning is clear, students can use the words without making any mistakes. The following points will be discussed on the differences between ‘where’ and ‘were’.

Table Summarising the Difference between Where and Were

Where Were Meaning The word ‘where’ is used to ask questions about the location/position/place related to some object/person. The word ‘were’ is used as a plural past tense form of the  verb ‘be’. Usage It is used as an Adverb as well as a Conjunction. It is used as a Verb. Example Can you say where Mr. Sam lives? The children were playing in the park.

This table shows that though ‘where’ and ‘were’ might sound the same, they can never be treated synonymously, and neither can be used interchangeably. This table will clear any doubts or misunderstandings about ‘where’ and ‘were’ that students had previously. Once they know the difference between these words, they can apply them in the correct contexts.

The Difference between Where and Were – Meanings

If you ask someone who doesn’t know the difference between ‘where’ and ‘were’, they might say that there’s just an extra ‘h’ in the word ‘where’, but apart from this literal observation, there are some significant differences between these terms.

When you use the word ‘where’, it is generally used as an adverb and is used to ask questions about directions or locations. ‘Where’ is also used to inquire about the position or condition/situation of something, for example, ‘Do you know where the bus stop is?’ ‘Where’ can be also used as a conjunction that connects a dependent clause to an independent clause, for example, ‘I live where the mountains end.’

The word ‘were’ however, is generally used with plural objects and the word ‘you’ and is a past form of the verb ‘be’, for example, ‘You were at the party last night.’ Once students grasp the difference between these words, they will make less mistakes while writing sentences.

Examples of Where and Were

The following examples will help students understand the words ‘where’ and ‘were’ quite clearly.

Where – i)Where is the local market located? (adverb)

ii) Study where you want to enjoy. (conjunction)

Were – i) The students were punished for shouting. (verb)

ii) You were going to the market yesterday. (verb)

Once students understand the difference between the words ‘where’ and ‘were’, they can easily apply them in the proper contexts.

Where and Were – Conclusion

In conclusion, the words ‘where’ and ‘were’ neither can be used synonymously nor can be used interchangeably. This article points out the difference between ‘where’ and ‘were’ to make it easy for students to use them in sentences. Also, BYJU’S offers various articles on many such ‘Difference Between’ two words that students often get confused with.

How do we use where?

Difference between Where and Were | Where vs Were