Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Side Effects and Warnings

12 Oct.,2023


What are the precautions when taking this medicine?

• Do not use this medicine to treat contact lens irritation.

• Check medicines with healthcare provider. This medicine may not mix well with other medicines.

• Tell healthcare provider if you are pregnant or plan on getting pregnant.

• Tell healthcare provider if you are breast-feeding.

What are some possible side effects of this medicine?

• Blurred vision. Use caution when driving or doing other tasks that require you to have clear vision.

• Short-term discomfort after use.

Reasons to call healthcare provider immediately

• If you suspect an overdose, call your local poison control center or emergency department immediately.

• Signs of a life-threatening reaction. These include wheezing; chest tightness; fever; itching; bad cough; blue skin color; fits; or swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat.

• Sudden change in vision, eye pain, or irritation.

• Any rash.

• No improvement in condition or feeling worse.

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